New Life Options
Costa Real Estate is pleased to work in conjunction with New Life Options for the June 2022 Costa in the Community event. New Life Options (NLO) is a pregnancy center that is located in Monongahela, PA. It is NLO's mission to provide clients with the education and resources needed to raise happy and healthy babies. This is done via the Earn While You Learn Program (EWYL).
Earn While You Learn Program - this program is open to families who are pregnant or have a child up to four years old. Each client is able to earn necessities for their child(ren) such as clothing, formula, food, diapers, wipes, strollers, cribs, toys, etc. when they attend classes. Classes are focused on parenting, special circumstances (abuse, divorce, etc), and Bible study. Classes can be taken in person in Monongahela, or digitally.
How Can You Help? - New Life Options is always looking for help to continue running their nonprofit organization, as they purely run on donations. Please look below for ways to help:
- Become a Volunteer - Stop by the center and volunteer to help out with the donations or anything needed!
- Become a Mentor - Sign up to be a mentor and help teach the clients video based parenting skills while forming relationships with them.
- Donate - Donate baby items, or make a financial donation at

Meet Gianna, an almost-four-year-old resident of Canonsburg, who was diagnosed with a very rare cancer called Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Type 3 Cancer (otherwise known as PPB). PPB hides behind pneumonia initially and then spreads like wildfire. This aggressive cancer masks itself and is often missed as only 40 to 50 children in the United States are diagnosed with this rare condition yearly.
Gianna currently has a large mass pushing on her organs, including her heart, which is causing her heart to work overtime. Testing has required her to be intubated, which has caused a lot of stress to her already lethargic body. Fortunately, tests showed that the cancer has not spread and is isolated to one area, but with it growing, Gianna is undergoing chemo and will need surgery to remove the mass.
COSTA IN THE COMMUNITY would like to join the fight to help Gianna as she battles against cancer, a battle we know that she can and will win. We encourage the members of our community to step in and help this family with the costs that are quickly accurring for medical bills, transportation costs, lost wages, and so much more. We appreciate any support you can give during this time, even if each of you sends well wishes to the family!

The 2022-2023 school year is just around the corner and Costa in the Community is eager to help our students succeed. This month we are partnering with Ringgold School District to provide the students in our community with necessary school supplies.