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0 Black Dog Hollow, East Bethlehem, PA 15322

Active #1683040
East BethlehemBethlehem Center School DistrictWashington County
Commercial Land100.07 Acres
AMAZING VIEWS! With virtually all 100 acres of the property offering a stunning backdrop of the Monongahela River and lush, green landscape of the valley - it provides the ideal location to build your dream home, run your business from, or both! Formerly operated as a Sandstone Quarry there are gravel driveways/access roads to the property from Black Dog Hollow and throughout the property - there is also a truck scalehouse/weigh station still onsite.
Listed ByGreg Costa(724) 348-9300
General Information
Taxes $3,757
Zoning A1
Exterior Features
Frontage 1,269


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Listed ByGreg Costa(724) 348-9300

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