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1242 Noblestown Rd, Collier Twp, PA 15071

Active #1688660
Collier TwpChartiers Valley School DistrictAllegheny County
Residential Lot3.02 Acres
This is an opportunity to build your dream house on this 3 acre Estate Lot. Conveniently located and secluded with a great view. The new owner will need to complete the Highway Occupancy Permit with Penn DOT. The property is located on the right of 1242 Nobelstown Rd. Oakdale Pa. 15071.
Listed ByDennis Quattrone(724) 348-9300
General Information
Taxes $128
Zoning Res
Exterior Features
Frontage 913
Terrain Sloped to Flat
Electric Available
Sewage Available
Water Available


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This is an estimate which can be affected by your lender's rates, PMI requirements and other factors. For the most accurate information, contact a mortgage representative.

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Get In Touch About This Property
Listed ByDennis Quattrone(724) 348-9300

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