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1604 Hatteras St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Active #1691000
Troy HillPittsburgh School DistrictAllegheny County
Triplex0.05 Acres3 Units
Calling all Investors or First Time Home Buyers! Check out this gem in the hart of Troy Hill. This lot features 2 homes with a total of 3 Units. The front is a duplex, that is currently rented, both subsidized, so GUARANTEED Monthly Income! The second unit in the rear of the property is a Single Family family home with utmost privacy. The back unit has great rent potential with either long term tenant or short term rental for Air B N B! First time Home buyer hack, as you would have an opportunity to live in the rear House and collect rent in the front, to start building your rental portfolio! New development in North Side area brings in a great outlook and value for the future!
Listed ByDante Abbondanza(724) 348-9300
General Information
Lot Size 0.0486
Public Transportation
Taxes $1,184
Zoning Multi
Exterior Features
Construction Vinyl
Parking On-Street Parking
Roof Asphalt
Interior Features
Basement unfin
Utilities Available Electricity, Gas, Sewer, Water


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This is an estimate which can be affected by your lender's rates, PMI requirements and other factors. For the most accurate information, contact a mortgage representative.

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Get In Touch About This Property
Listed ByDante Abbondanza(724) 348-9300

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