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315 Wood St, California, PA 15419

Active #1646911
CaliforniaWashington County
Entertainment, Office, Restaurant, Retail, Warehouse0.36 Acres
***Purchase or Lease*** POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING*** This Large 9000ish Sq Ft Warehouse with Large Valuable Parking Lot that EVERYONE HAS BEEN LOOKING FOR!! Located in California Pa Right In Town!!, Was a prior grocery store. Future Garage Doors Drawn for 10 or 11' Doors with a 12' ceiling inside with all new concrete floors, Also Houses a 2 Bedroom Apartment that needs remodeling... Add windows for another batch of uses Including: Brewery, Restaurant, Contracting Business, Medical, Market, Laundromat, Motor Vehicle Sales / Service, Vehicle Storage, Equipment Rental, Sales and Service, Tavern, Pharmacy, Daycare, Amusement, Apartments, Parking Lot and many many more! Probably the Largest all on 1 Level 9,000+ square foot building available, Large Covered Dock Area, 2nd story storage area with concrete floors and conveyor system for added storage, Many National Chains and Local Businesses within a few steps
Listed ByGreg Costa(724) 348-9300
General Information
For Sale Building
For Lease Building
Lot Size .36
Taxes $3,805
Zoning C2
Exterior Features
Construction Concrete, Frame
Loading Dock 2
Parking 40
Interior Features
Warehouse Sqft 9,000
Utilities Available Electricity, Gas, Sewer, Water


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Listed ByGreg Costa(724) 348-9300

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