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34 Granite Dr, Finleyville, PA 15332

Active #1662663
FinleyvilleRinggold School DistrictWashington County
Mobile Home3 Beds2 Baths
Charming mobile home park located in Finleyville has empty lots available. Located off Stone Church Rd minutes from 43 in the Union Township/Finleyville area. Close to Ringgold Elementary School North, minutes from Giant Eagle. Mingo Creek Park and South Park are both about 15 minutes away. South Hills Village Mall is about 25 minutes away. This listing is for new construction. The pictures shown are of the three-bedroom model. Lot rent is $300 per month with a $300 security deposit. The cost shown is a rough estimate for the new home there are additional costs that will be gone over at the dealership we are partnered with. Come enjoy quiet living in a beautiful area outside of Allegheny County in your brand-new home.
Listed ByCosta Real Estate(724) 348-9300
Exterior Features
Style Ranch or 1 Level
Sewage Public
Water Public


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This is an estimate which can be affected by your lender's rates, PMI requirements and other factors. For the most accurate information, contact a mortgage representative.

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Listed ByCosta Real Estate(724) 348-9300

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